Monday, 27 February 2012


Hawa ni baadhi ya models ambao wanabamba kwenye industry sasa ivi ingawaje wako wengi na habari zaidi unaweza kusoma David ndaiga Official Blog,Ukiongelea industry inayokuwa kwa sasa utoacha kusema Modelling and gues whaaat Tz kuna watoto wazuri sana,You won't regret putting their photos on your Magazine cover or in any brand,Gals your selling,Wish you all the best in your Carriers but,The whole society is looking over you,Please you should know about self esteem,and self awareness,
1. Nelly Kamwelu
2. Neema Mbuya
3. Angel Juctace
4. Salma Ally
5. Aimar Mohamed
6. Lethina Christopher
7. Rene Jonkers
8. Neema Kilango
9. Alexia William

9;Evanuru Isaack,(above photo)
10. Lilian Mduda
11. Rihama Burhan
12. Jamillah Nyangassa
13. Victoria Martin
14. Magdalene Roy Munisi
15. Liz Burden
17. Aloycia Innocent
18. EllyGiver Meena
19. Diana Ibrahim

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